Selling products and services are not as easy as what others think (or you thought it would be). Not all people will be easily convinced on why they should buy from you a house and lot in Quezon City, or purchase an item of furniture for their newly acquired apartment unit. Taking into account that the field of sales is challenging yet exciting, we know that all of us have certain areas for improvement. Salespeople would often argue that the person will buy if he or she is really interested. Well, it does have a point but what if that lead can be converted into sales with just a matter of proper and effective persuasion? This is where salespeople will come into the picture and use their “magic and tricks” on selling and marketing.
If you’re willing to take the challenge, continue reading and let’s do the sales talk:
Make them need and want what you’re selling. This is easier said than done but through some practice and proper customer engagement, you’d eventually make them want to buy. Just remember that not all people are easily persuaded or convinced, and there are times where you need to have the patience of a saint. Some things you need to remember at this point are:
- Build rapport - before you go on with convincing, get to know your leads and customers first. Be aware of their background, why are they inquiring or interested and use that knowledge as a stepping stone to talk to them effectively.
- Paint them a picture - visualize with them what would and not going to happen if they will purchase your item. Let them know what your product and service can do for them.
- Highlight your brand’s advantages - if you know your market and competition, you should be able to pitch in that your brand is the best and they will save a lot. You know, people love “saving some money from buying.”
Be open and honest. Some of your clients might be opening up to you on why they are interested and why they are inquiring about this product or service. In return, you should also be open and honest about your deals and offers. Other salespeople tend to blanket some details and just tell the leads and customers the good things. Technically, they are not lying but try to put yourself in the customers’ shoes - does it feel good? We know that the answer is no. Besides, if you’d end up covering some truths and they found out that this is not what they are looking for, this problem will go back to you, and it will be a burden for you to take. Just be careful on which details are open for disclosure and not as some information are confidential.
Positive framing. You may know all the answers, but you should also know how to deliver it to your leads and customers. Similar to the previous point, you need to be open about the things your clients need to know. But to help you frame and deliver things well, here are some reminders:
- Never say “I don’t know” - remember that you are selling them and you need to convince them. How would you be able to do that if you don’t know the particulars and information of your products, services or company? Instead of saying “I don’t know,” you can tell them “I will get back to you on that” or “I will communicate with my colleagues/ manager/ supervisor as soon as possible to clarify some points regarding that.” But know that your leads and customers will also be fed up with your excuse, so you got to know what they need as quickly as possible
- Get that “can do” attitude - you can’t do their request? Tell them what you can offer on the other hand and say that you can do it as efficiently as what they wanted.

- Drop the “unfortunately” - this is about positive framing, so you don’t need many negative words in your sales vocabulary. If your clients are looking for something you don’t have yet, a good alternative of “Unfortunately, we don’t have that” is “As of the moment, our company is taking that into consideration (or developing that option) and on the other hand, we have the following products and services that would fulfill your needs”.